Stucco provides a tough exterior that resists attack from woodpeckers to weed whackers. That inherent toughness is beautifully complemented by the variety of colors and textures available. Appearance is an important consideration in selecting a wall cladding. You can select a color and texture consistent with the message and image you wish to convey.
Color is determined by selecting cement and aggregate color, and quite often modified by adding mineral oxide pigments to the plaster mix. Texture is achieved by selecting aggregate size, controlling finish mix consistency, and using special treatment techniques during and after application of the finish coat plaster. Texture gives substance and character to the plaster surface. Stucco is a proven system that works in all climates.
Peeling/outdated paint got you down? Whatever your painting or repair needs, we’re dedicated to getting the job done right. Clear Vision Remodeling offers a full line of painting services. -complete with quality, value and expertise you can trust. We use only the finest paints and materials to complete our projects and offer you the best all around service.
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Countertop Granite
Special Offer Code: SD132
LIC: #1052430
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